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SUPER NFT ARTIST : 13인의 유망한 작가들 (컬러판)
열번째호랑이(TIGER-10) | 부크크(Bookk) | 20220610
0원 0원
소개 이 책은 “NFT Art Book Series”로 책으로서의 읽을거리를 제공하기 위해 기획하였습니다. 저는 종이책이 가져다주는 느낌과 고유의 책 향이 너무나 좋습니다. 이 책은 일반 독자에게는 입문단계의 NFT 예술 서적, NFT 투자자에게는 투자정보지, 어린이에게는 만화 또는 동화책 그리고 청소년들에게는 작가님들의 인생이 담겨 있고, 다양하고 흥미로운 세계관이 담겨있는 재미난 소설책이 되었으면 합니다. 본 도서를 통해서 NFT 작품 세계를 엿볼 수 있을 것입니다. 도서 내의 NFT 작품들은 화풍 또는 작업물이 독특하거나, 작가 간의 스타일이 서로 겹치지 않도록 심혈을 기울여 구성하였습니다. NFT 환경에서는 매일 다양한 종류의 이벤트가 열리고 있습니다. 그리고 이곳에 관심을 가지다 보면 작품보다는 사람들과의 소통에 즐거움을 느껴 날이 새는 줄 모르게 될 것입니다. 또한, 트위터라는 강력한 SNS를 통해서 음성지원 방송이 열리고 있습니다. 방송을 청취하고 채팅에 참여하여 NFT 작가님들과 직접적인 소통의 장으로 활용할 수 있습니다.
국제표준 도서번호(ISBN) : 9791137285316
XNLKX | 북팟 | 20221221
0원 42,000원
소개 NAMLEEKANG [觀念] 관념. Zone, shell, Like A Cell Division. 구역, 껍질, 세포 분열 같은 거요
국제표준 도서번호(ISBN) : 9791166637261
< ephyra > : 에피라, 델프의 물품 인공지능人工知能 A.I D146ELF AIXDGA HANDLER XNLKX圖錄도록 [ ART brochure ] N V (DIGITAL COLLECTIBLE NFT 美術品 Virtual Exhibition Hall CRYPTOART)
XNLKX | 북팟 | 20240320
0원 40,000원
소개 NAMLEEKANG [觀念] 관념. Zone, 구역 shell, 껍질 Like A Cell Division. 세포 분열 같은 거요
국제표준 도서번호(ISBN) : 9791172020453
XNLKX | 북팟 | 20221031
0원 45,000원
소개 NAMLEEKANG [觀念] 관념. 구역, 껍질, 세포 분열 같은 거요 Zone, shell, Like A Cell Division.
국제표준 도서번호(ISBN) : 9791166636783
NFT Art and Collectibles for Beginners (The Must Have Guide for Understanding Non Fungible Tokens (NFTs))
Collins, Chris | Marketing Forte LLC | 20210516
0원 17,460원
소개 Are you looking to learn how you can cash in on the NFT revolution? Did you just find out about NFTs? Do you want to jump in on the craze as an artist, gamer, or musician? Are you finding it difficult to find all the information in the same place or just utterly confusing? If this sounds like you, then read on! NFT Art and Collectables for Beginners offer comprehensive information regarding this recent profitable and budding trend. This guidebook talks about what NFTs are and also provides a brief history of their emergence. After learning about NFTs, you will also find information regarding the Ethereum tokens. These are standards that tie together the digital collectibles system. The inner workings of NFTs, along with their importance and value, are also covered in this detailed guidebook. Areas of application and uses will deliver the knowledge of areas you can enter in this digital trend. Moreover, the information in this book also lists the top marketplaces and the creation process of NFTs. Several myths of NFTs are also debunked in this book. Art and Games are the most significant areas that are budding within the NFT craze. This is particularly true for the gaming industry as it empowers people from all age groups to learn this technology in a fun new way. In this book, you'll discover: A greater understanding of NFT and Ethereum Introduction to key terms Risks involved History and emergence of NFTs Ethereum Token Standards How NFTs work Why NFTs have value Uses of NFTs Blockchain-based Non-Fungible tokens The Non-Fungible Token Market NFT Myths Famous Examples and Top NFT Crypto Projects. Role of Art in NFTs NFTs and Games Future of non-fungible tokens AND MUCH MORE! Gain clarity of this new and exciting digital asset and see how you can profit on this emerging trend. Scroll up and hit "BUY NOW" to discover the secrets of NFTs, and the benefits they can bring you!?
국제표준 도서번호(ISBN) : 9781087966762
The Beginner’s Guide to Crypto Art and NFT (What The New Rich Investor Teach Their Followers About Art and Contemporary Artists, An Unmissable Overvie)
Armstrong, Mike | Independently Published | 20210604
0원 23,760원
국제표준 도서번호(ISBN) : 9798515023768
Beginner’s Guide to NFT 2022. NFT Handbook (What are Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) and how can you make them, purchase and trade them, and avoid scams?)
| Mitrovici Petrisor | 20220323
0원 374,150원
소개 ?NFTs?are?the?most?recent?innovation?in?the?crypto-economy.?They're?spoken?about?a?lot,?yet?few?people?know?what?they?are?or?how?valuable?they?are.
국제표준 도서번호(ISBN) : 9781804385647
Ultimate Money Guide to NFT INVESTING 2021 (Step by step guide to trading and investing in NFT Crypto)
| martino motter | 20211124
0원 52,040원
소개 Recently, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey made headlines selling the first-ever tweet as an NFT for $2.9 million. A 10-year-old meme, the animated GIF of Nyan Cat, was sold for more than $500,000. In March 2021, The "Everydays-The first 5000 Days NFT" from the digital artist- Beeple has been sold for an astonishing $69 million. Another of his NFT artwork-"Crossroads," was also sold for more than $66,666.66 in Feb.Yes. You've probably heard about by now: non-fungible tokens, or NFT's for short.
국제표준 도서번호(ISBN) : 9781803348117
2022 will be the year of the NFT revolution (BEGINNER’S GUIDE)
| Elthon Small | 20220308
0원 374,150원
소개 ?This?tutorial?explains?what?NFTs?are?and?provides?all?of?the?necessary?information.This?practical?tutorial?also?covers?the?inner?workings?of?NFTs,?as?well?as?their?renown?and?worth.?Areas of application and uses will allow you to know where you can start in this digital trend.?Furthermore,?the?material?in?this?book?outlines?the?finest?markets?as?well?as?the?procedure?of?creating,?purchasing,?and?selling?NFTs.
국제표준 도서번호(ISBN) : 9781804380437
Hebamme Ohne Geburt - Gefahr Fur Die Zu(ku)Nft
| AV Akademikerverlag | 20141201
0원 71,580원
소개 Der Berufsstand der Hebammen gerat immer starker unter wirtschaftlichen Druck, sich im Gesundheitsmarkt positionieren zu mussen, um seine Kernkompetenz, ?Beistand zur Geburt', anbieten zu konnen. Gelingt es Hebammen nicht, nachhaltig im Gesundheitswesen ihren Platz zu behaupten und ihre eigentliche Profession, das Leisten von Geburtshilfe, offentlich sichtbar zu machen, lauft der Berufsstand in Gefahr, ganz vom Markt zu verschwinden.
국제표준 도서번호(ISBN) : 9783639728026