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네이버 전문자료 검색결과 (11,054건) NAVER OpenAPI
Unveiling the Paradox of NFT Prosperity
Unlike fungible tokens (e.g., cryptocurrency), a Non-Fungible Token (NFT) is unique and indivisible. As such, they can be used to auth
Mapping the NFT revolution: market trends, trade networks, and visual features.
Non Fungible Tokens (NFTs) are digital assets that represent objects like art, collectible, and in-game items. They are traded online,
Dual-Polarization NFDM Transmission Using Distributed Raman Amplification and NFT-Domain Equaliz
Transmission systems based on the nonlinear Fourier transform (NFT) can potentially address the limitations in transmission reach and
A Study on the NFT and Blockchain Technology for Copyright Management
The purpose of this study is to solve problems such as copyright and distribution structure of large platforms in the metaverse, block
대체불가능토큰(NFT)기반 블록체인 게임의 비즈니스모델 혁신요소 연구 :
A Study on the elements of business model innovation of non-fungible token blockchain game : based on 'PlayDapp' case, an in-game digit
NFT 미술품 구매/투자에 따른 문제점 분석과 해결방안 연구
Analyzing problems and researching solutions for purchasing/investing in NFT art 본 연구의 목표는 NFT 미술품에 대한 거래
NFT 미술시장의 주요 쟁점과 전망
Issues and Perspective on the NFT Art Market 2021년 4월 크리스티 경매에서 비플의 NFT 미술작품이 6,930만 달러에
NFT 아트를 둘러싼 저작권 쟁점들에 대한 검토 - 미술저작물을 중심으로 -
A study on copyright issues as regards NFT art under the Korean copyright system - Focusing on Works of Art - NFT는 블록체인에
부모-자식 구조를 이용한 계층적 NFT
Hierarchical NFT using Parent-Child Structure 본 논문은 부모-자식 구조를 통해 계층적 NFT(Non-Fungible Token)를 발행
A multifunctional Zn(II)-based four-fold interpenetrated metal-organic framework for highly sens
AbstractA four-fold interpenetrated Zn(II)-based metal-organic framework of 1, {[Zn(TTPBA-4)0.5(TPA)]·H2O·0.5DMF}n, with the mog top