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지식재산거래 아이피카우 > 네이버 검색결과
네이버 전문자료 검색결과 (11,054건) NAVER OpenAPI
NFT marketing: How marketers can use nonfungible tokens in their campaigns
Non-fungible token (NFT), Blockchain, Scarcity, Marketing, AIDA
미술품 NFT 서비스 모듈별 기능 프레임워크 연구
A Study on the Module-Specific Functional Framework of Art NFT Service 본 연구의 목표는 정량적 설문조사와 정성적 FGI
The Rise of the Non-Fungible Token (NFT) Market in Turkey: The Effect of Social Media Interactio
With the spread of crypto assets, Non-Fungible Token (NFT) technology has become more and more discussed on social media platforms. Th
Extension of Aquaponic Water Use for NFT Baby-Leaf Production: Mizuna and Rocket Salad
Aquaponics is a recirculating technology that combines aquaculture with hydroponics. It allows nutrients from fish waste to feed plant
The Possibility of Creating an NFT (Non-Fungible Token) Based University Diploma
The educational institution issues a diploma to the student after completing higher education. With the advent of blockchain technolog
Viewer’s Perceptual Difference in NFT Aesthetics – A Case Study of Popular NFT Avatars (PFPs
Although creating AI-generated art is still a process of trial and error, the future of AI painting is unstoppable. For exploring the
Viewer’s Perceptual Difference in NFT Aesthetics – A Case Study of Popular NFT Avatars (PFPs
Although creating AI-generated art is still a process of trial and error, the future of AI painting is unstoppable. For exploring the
Viewer’s Perceptual Difference in NFT Aesthetics – A Case Study of Popular NFT Avatars (PFPs
Although creating AI-generated art is still a process of trial and error, the future of AI painting is unstoppable. For exploring the
NFT and Blockchain Technology for a Sustainable Future of Cultural Heritage
As our world shifted online when the global pandemic hit, crypto art crystalized the boom of non-fungible token (NFT) with record-high
중국식 NFT 예술품의 마케팅 활용 연구 5W 커뮤니케이션 모델 중심으로
A Study on the Marketing Utilization of Chinese NFT Artworks Focusing on the 5W Communication Model 2021년부터 NFT 열풍이 전 세